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우리 앤진에대한 맵핑의 기초부분... 튜닝자료실 -카마로ss동호회

우리 앤진에대한 맵핑의 기초부분...

김도영(SunShine)  |  조회수 :3662  |  2019-12-09 (11:36)

다이어그램이 잘 그려진게 있어서 올려봅니다.

차가 점저 전자식 스로틀이 되면서 사용자의 패달눌르는 정도를 어떻게 앤진 토크로 바꾸느냐에 대한내용인데...

예전처럼 그냥 와이어식으로 스로틀만 열었다 닫았다 하는게 아니라 아래와같은 프로세스를 거치면 된다 생각하시믄 됩니다.

요게 기본이고 여기에 또 붙는것들이..

이렇게 됩니다. ㅎㅎ

그리고 아래는

Pressure Sensors:

  • MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor located inside the intake manifold, measures the pressure of the air before it enters the engine
  • TIAP - Throttle Inlet Absolute Pressure sensor located before the throttle blade, measures the pressure of the air before the throttle
  • SCIAP - Supercharger Inlet Absolute Pressure sensor located before the supercharger inlet (between the throttle and the supercharger), measures the pressure of the air before the supercharger and after the throttle
  • TCIAP - Turbocharger Inlet Absolute Pressure sensor located before the turbocharger inlet, measures the pressure of the air right before the turbocharger
  • BARO - Barometric Pressure sensor, measures the pressure of the outside air

Temperature Sensors:

  • IAT - Inlet Air Temperature sensor located in the MAF sensor (typically), measures the temperature of the air before it enters the throttle
  • IAT2 - Inlet Air Temperature 2 sensor located inside the intake manifold, measures the temperature of the air before it enters the engine

Airflow Sensors:

  • MAF - Mass Air Flow sensor typically located before the throttle, measures the mass flow of air entering the throttle
  • MAF2 - Mass Air Flow 2 sensor typically located before the throttle, used for twin turbo charged applications only.

Now you may think this is all so very easy, but there is a slight complication in that the ECM doesn't have all five of the pressure sensor inputs available at once, it only has three. It has a MAP sensor input and two ambient air pressure sensor inputs called AAP1 and AAP2 which are mapped to the required setting using the pressure sensor configuration calibration. Additionally, some of these values are calculated based on losses through various componenets. eg. for NA applications, the TIAP can be calculated from BARO by modelling the air filter losses.

Pressure Sensor Config:

  • NA-MAP: NA application with MAP sensor fitted. Baro and TIAP are calculated.
  • NA-MAP-TIAP: NA application with MAP and TIAP sensor fitted. AAP1 = TIAP. BARO is calculated.
  • NA-MAP-BARO: NA application with MAP and BARO sensor fitted. AAP1 = BARO. TIAP is calculated.
  • SC-SCIAP-TIAP: SC application with MAP, SCIAP and TIAP sensor fitted. AAP1 = SCIAP (Note: SCIAP has it's own linear and offset). AAP2 = TIAP. BARO is calculated.
  • SC-SCIAP-BARO: SC application with MAP, SCIAP and BARO sensor fitted. AAP1 = SCIAP (Note: SCIAP has it's own linear and offset). AAP2 = BARO. TIAP is calculated.
  • TC-TIAP-TCIAP: TC application with MAP, TIAP and TCIAP sensor fitted. AAP1 = TIAP. AAP2 = TCIAP. BARO is calculated.
  • TC-TIAP-BARO: TC application with MAP, TIAP and BARO sensor fitted. AAP1 = TIAP. AAP2 = BARO. TCIAP is calculated.

  • 김도영(SunShine) | 2019-12-09 11:41
이해하실분들만 이해하시겠지만... ㅎㅎ
여하튼 기본적으로 우리 차량은 NA이고 숩차 차량이랑 ECU를 같이 씁니다. 즉 원하는 핀들은 다 살아있죠. 나중에 기회되면 살리면 되지만, HP튜너기로 봐도 그렇고 별달리 앤진 컨크롤에 필요한 센서는 많지가 않습니다. 제일 아쉬운건 IAT2센서정도? ㅎㅎ 차져를 통과한 뒤의 흡기온도, 요것이 스로틀 이전의 흡기온도와 틀리기때문에 이것을 나누어놨는데 크게 중요하지는 않습니다만 조금 아쉽다는정도겠네요. 배선도만 있으면 살릴수도 있지 않을까 싶은데...ㅎㅎ
  • 김도영(SunShine) | 2019-12-09 12:35
그리고 또한가지의 내용은, 스로틀이 Wire to Wire 가 아니기때문에 액셀을 밟은양만큼 스로틀이 안열릴수도 있고 더 열릴수도 있다는점입니다. 이거에대한 맵부분은 Driver Demand 부분의 맵핑이고, 여기를 조정하면 출력이 안올랐아도 "잘나가는거 같다" 라고 느끼게 할수도 있습니다. ㅎㅎ 풀스로틀에서는 결국 똑같지만요.
  • 김철기(달구지) | 2019-12-09 19:35
  •  김도영(SunShine) | 2019-12-09 19:39
       아직 안누름?
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