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앞바퀴에달려있는 머드가드? 의 역할 |
김도영(SunShine) | 조회수 :4677 | 2017-03-12 (15:34) |
And rather than a traditional front air dam to reduce aerodynamic lift, the team developed a flush belly pan that stretches from the front grille to the center of the vehicle. Paired with small “spats” forward of the front tires, the smooth underbody helps reduce total lift by 30 percent – while also reducing aerodynamic drag. http://media.chevrolet.com/media/us/en/chevrolet/vehicles/camaro/2016.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2015/may/0511-camaro-teaser.html 라네요. 결론은 에어로 다이나믹이고, 아무래도 립댐이달리면 그 효과는 떨어져서 제거해도되는듯? |