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미쳐 알지 못했던 2016 CamaroSS 10가지 사실~!! 사용자 리뷰 -카마로ss동호회

미쳐 알지 못했던 2016 CamaroSS 10가지 사실~!!

이상현(모터헤드)  |  조회수 :5129  |  2016-08-18 (11:13)

2016 Camaro Facts – 10 Things You Didn’t Know!

Here’s a list of cool 2016 Chevrolet Camaro

facts! If you haven’t read up on it we recommend taking a quick look here

before you spoil some of the surprises below! Back!? Here we go!


2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS Ontario

2016 Chevrolet Camaro – 10 Things You Didn’t Know

1) It’s all new!

The 2016 Camaro is completely different than the vehicle it replaces. In fact, the only parts that carry over are the Chevrolet badge on the trunk and the ‘SS’ badge on Camaro SS models!

2) Dimensions

The 2016 Camaro is within two-inches of the vehicle it replaces in every direction. While it looks vastly lower and wider, the 2016 Camaro is actually a very similar size and shape! It all comes down to clever design.2016 Camaro SS Dimensions

3) Wind Tunnel Testing

The 2016 Camaro spent over 350 hours in the wind tunnel. Engineers used this time to optimize the design for cooling and aerodynamic efficiency.

4) Magnetic Ride Control

For the very first time Magnetic Ride Control (MRC) is an available option on the Camaro SS! The 2016 Camaro SS can be equipped with GM’s legendary suspension system, which can adjust more than 1000x per second. Previously, MRC was only available on Camaro ZL1!


5) Parking Brake

Sorry! No handbrake turns! The 2016 Camaro is equipped with an automatic parking brake, which means you’ll have to use even more power if you’re hoping to get it sideways on a track.

6) The Same, but Different

The 2016 Camaro SS features the LT1 V8 from the Corvette Stingray, however, it’s not entirely the same engine. In fact, 20% of the engine components are exclusive to the SS, including the new Tri-Y exhaust manifold!

2016 Camaro Tri-Y manifold

The Tri-Y exhaust manifold on the 2016 Camaro SS!

7) Cooling!

The base Camaro features one radiator, while the Camaro SS features another two radiators in the corners of the front grill, adjacent to the central radiator in the middle. It’s larger engine (455 hp V8) throws off more heat and more radiators help keep things cool!


MIG welding vs. laser welding? The difference is clear!

8) Laser Welding

The 2016 Camaro features a laser welded roof! Typically, most vehicles typically feature a MIG-welded roof to keep costs down. However, it leaves an unsightly line. Now, the new Camaro looks even better than ever thanks its laser welded roof!

9) Interior Vents

An ingenious feature! In the 2016 Camaro the temperature is controlled using the ring around the vent! Simply turn it right for more heat, or left for more cool air. It’s simple, effective, and you’ll wonder why it took so long to invent!

10) Sounds Enhancement

Models equipped the 2.0L I4 engine and Bose Audio System feature engine sound enhancement, which amplifies the native sounds of the I4 turbo engine. The system can be switched off.

  • 이상현(모터헤드) | 2016-08-18 11:16
번역하지 않아서..당황하셨죠..?...네..저도 그렇습니다..ㅜㅜ
대략적인 의미만 파악했습니다.
  • 김도영(shinysun) | 2016-08-18 14:22
1. 전세대와는 다 틀림 벳지빼고
2. 사이즈가 전세대와 다 다름. 낮고 넓어보임
3. 터널 테스트를 통해 에어로다이나믹과 쿨링향상
4. 마그네틱라이드컨트롤!
5. 얼레 핸드브레잍크가읍네??
6. 스팅레이와 같은엔진이지만 매니폴더 형상의 개선
7. 라지에이터가 총 3개! 하나는 앤진오일냉각용
8. 레이져 용접
9. 실내 공조기가 특이함
10. Ss와는 관계없음 ㅎㅎ
  • 이상현(모터헤드) | 2016-08-18 14:28
  • 허현(아트) | 2016-08-18 18:34
오.. 잘봤습니다^^
  • 김경화(아리아) | 2016-08-19 09:33
좋은 자료 잘 보고 갑니다... 점점 더 매력에 빠져 드는듯... ^^;;
  • 한승환(환) | 2016-08-19 14:13
bk에서 보시던 분들을 여기서 뵙네요 ^^
상현이형님도 그렇고~
  • 이상현(모터헤드) | 2016-08-19 14:29
ㄴㅡ0ㅡ 야르~
  • 공석희(깨몽) | 2016-08-22 17:37
좋은 정보입니다 ^^]
  • 최혜식(ZamTing) | 2016-11-15 15:38
차 나오기 전엔 열심히 봤는데... 막상 차 나오니... 관심 부족! ㅋㅋ
  • 최민성(오르막깅) | 2023-05-04 17:53
잘보고갑니당 ㅎㅎ
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